This series of images explores my relationship with my body and how I can capture its beauty. The human body is something that should be celebrated for its uniqueness and differences, yet the society we live in holds the body to unachievable standards. I struggle with what is often referred to as “body image issues,” so as an image maker, I wanted to challenge myself to capture my body in a positive light. I’m not perfect, and a camera easily picks up on imperfections, but those imperfections are what makes us special. Many people would say that being sensitive is bad, but I think it is just part of being human. Learning to love your body and struggling while doing so is part of the adventure of navigating through this strange world and a capitalist-driven society. Although the regular person might not meet the expectations and standards set by society, It’s fairly easy to find the beauty within, if you just look hard enough. The final images are shown as a zine in the layouts below.